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Russian Geological Research Institute

The Karpinsky Institute hosted a series of meetings of the Academic Council to review the results of 1:200,000 scale geological and survey work on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Karpinsky Institute hosted a series of meetings of the Academic Council to review the results of 1:200,000 scale geological and survey work on the territory of the Russian Federation.

During the meeting the materials on 21 enlarged objects of the State task of the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources, including:
• assessment of the knowledge and geological substantiation of the GDP-200 (geological additional study of the areas on a scale of 1 : 200,000) on 25 nomenclature sheets;
• GDP-200 on 61 nomenclature sheets;
• GSSH-200 (shelf geological survey on a scale of 1 : 200,000) on 4 nomenclature sheets;
• compilation and preparation for publication of Gosgeolkarta-200/2 sets on 61 nomenclature sheets;
• comprehensive aerogeophysical survey on 8 nomenclature sheets.

All works were carried out by structural subdivisions of the Karpinsky Institute with the involvement of contracting organisations - companies of the holding company АО Rosgeologia, АО GRPE Aerogeophysics, ООО BMGC, АО UGME, FSBEI USMU, ООО COMP, SAI of the Republic of Crimea CLATM, ООО Bashgeo, FSBEI VSU, FSAEI NRTSU.
In addition to the Karpinsky Institute staff and representatives of contractor organisations, the Academic Council was attended by experts from FGBU TSNIGRI and FGBU VIMS.

As a result of the work, new preliminary results were obtained, clarifying the geological structure and mineralogy of the GDP-200 areas, as well as author's versions were compiled and sets of Gosgeolmaps-200/2 were prepared for publication.

The latter made it possible to obtain an increase in the medium-scale geological knowledge of the territory of the Russian Federation and its continental shelf in the amount of 65,500 square kilometres and to prepare promising objects for geological exploration at subsequent stages. Moreover, new scientific results have been obtained on the basis of systematic geological and survey work on the scale of 1:200,000:
• on structural and geological composition, seismic stratigraphy and oil and gas content of the Black Sea;
• on tectonics and magmatism of the Anabar Shield;
• on the age of the Jurassic volcanogenic and sedimentary formations of Verkhoyansky District.

The above issues are proposed for consideration at the Academic Council of the Karpinsky Institute as scientific reports in 2025.


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