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Всероссийский научно-исследовательский геологический институт им. А.П. Карпинского
Совещания, конференции
Прошедшие мероприятия

Презентации. 17 октября

Kai MYRBERG (SYKE, Finland)
50 years of the Trilateral Gulf of Finland co-operation. History, results, perspectives

Kirsi KOSTAMO (SYKE, Finland) 
From ecosystem functions to ecosystem services – a key to sustainable use of marine environment

Recent development of oil pollution prevention preparedness – does it meet the current safety level?

Oleg KORNEEV (Sevmorgeologia), Aleksander RYBALKO (VNIIOkeangeologia), Sergey GOLUBKOV (ZIN RAS), Andrey PEDCHENKO (VNIRO)
Experience of the Marine Spatial Planning tool using for Russian part of the Gulf of Finland

Dmitry GERASIMOV (MAERAS, Russia), Aivar KRIISKA (University of Tartu, Estonia), Kerkko NORDKVIST (Oulu University, Finland), Margarita KHOLKINA (VSEGEI)
Cross-Gulf cooperation in the Stone Age study: new results, continuing projects and research perspectives

Daria RYABCHUK, Vladimir ZHAMOIDA, Alexander SERGEEV, Olga KOVALEVA (VSEGEI, Russia), Igor LEONT’EV (IO RAS, Russia), Kaarel ORVIKU (Tartu University, Estonia)
Geological hazards of the Eastern Gulf of Finland coastal zone

Ivan SEREBRITSKY (Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety)
On the Master Plan of the Coast Protection in St. Petersburg

Henry VALLIUS, Aarno KOTILAINEN (GTK, Finland), Daria RYABCHUK (VSEGEI) and EMODnet-Geology partners
The EMODnet-Geology project – delivering harmonized geological maps of the European seas

Tatiana EREMINA, Alexandra ERSHOVA (RSHU), Georg MARTIN (University of Tartu), Alexey ISAEV, Vladimir RYABCHENKO, Stanislav MARTIANOV (Institute of Oceanology RAS)
Marine litter study in the estuary of the River Neva: results of monitoring and mathematical modelling

Taavi LIBLIK, Michael NAUMANN, Pekka ALENIUS, Martin HANSSON, Urmas LIPS, Günther NAUSCH, Laura TUOMI, Karin WESSLANDER, Jaan LAANEMETS, Lena VIKTORSSON (Tallinn University of Technology, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (LG), Finnish Meteorological Institute, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
Impact of the Major Baltic Inflows to the Gulf of Finland

Mikhail VEREVKIN (RAS, Russia), Leonid VOYTA (ZIN RAS, Russia), Mart JÜSSI (MTÜ Pro Mare, Estonia), Mervi KUNNASRANTA (Natural Resources Institute Finland)
Aerial survey of ringed seals (Pusa hispida botnica) in the Gulf of Finland in 2018
