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Russian Geological Research Institute

Vladimir Afanasevich Obruchev. 1863-1956

Vladimir Afanasevich Obruchev, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, geologist, geographer, writer and populariser of science. His works deal with the problems of various geological disciplines: geomorphology, glaciology, permafrost, stratigraphy, lithology, magmatism, metamorphism, tectonics and metallogeny. Founder of neotectonics. His activities were associated with five problems: geology and metallogeny of gold in Eastern Siberia, loess genesis, glaciation history in Siberia, the “ancient crown of Asia”, and neotectonics. Obruchev’s geological heritage includes more than 600 publications, about 2.5 thousand reviews and abstracts, more than 160 geological maps and charts. His textbooks played a large role in developing the school of Soviet geologists. He was the author of widely known popular science books: “Sannikov’s Land”, “Plutonia” and others, 323 popular science papers, 17 literary works, a grandiose work on the history of geological study of Siberia. Hero of Socialist Labour, laureate of the Lenin Prize and USSR State Prizes, awarded numerous orders and medals.
