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Russian Geological Research Institute
Regional geology, geological mapping and methodological support
Regional geology, geological mapping and methodological support

Regional geology, geological mapping, and methodological support

Regional geological study of mineral resources, carried out at the Karpinsky Institute, includes geological mapping, regional geological and geophysical activities, as well as related scientific research. The largest systematic area of regional geological study of mineral resources is state geological mapping, which forms a bank of fundamental information on the geological structure and metallogenic potential of the Russian Federation and ensures the development and rational use of mineral resources. Under the state geological mapping, maps at 1 : 2 500 000 – 1 : 5 000 000 scale are compiled (geological and general mapping), maps of the third generation at 1 : 1 000 000 scale (GGK-1000/3) and maps of the second generation at 1 : 200 000 scale (GGK -200/2). Maps are compiled in paper and digital forms with electronic databases.

The support of state geological mapping is entrusted to the departments of regional geology, the Quaternary Geology Department, the Center for remote methods of natural resources research and the Center for scientific, methodological and organizational support of state geological mapping under the supervision of the Center for state geological mapping.
