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Russian Geological Research Institute
International cooperation
International cooperation

International cooperation

The Karpinsky Institute, being the successor to the Geological Committee of Russia, established in 1882, continues and develops the tradition of wide international scientific cooperation in geological exploration and assessment of mineral potential in the largest regions of the world.

Currently, the Karpinsky Institute employees are members of Boards and participants of international organizations and programs, such as the Intergovernmental Council of the CIS Countries for Exploration, Use and Conservation of Mineral Resources, the UNESCO International Geoscience and Geoparks Program (IGGP), and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), etc.

The Karpinsky Institute is an organizer and active participant of a number of major international projects implemented by geological surveys, national academies of sciences and universities in more than 150 countries of the world: OneGeology, EMODnet, GIS Atlas of Geological Maps of Northern Eurasia (Russia and other CIS countries), Atlas of Geological Maps of the Circumpolar Arctic, scale 1:5,000,000, Atlas of Geological Maps of Northern, Central and Eastern Asia and Adjacent Areas, scale 1:2,500,000.

Participation in these projects helps uniting the scientific, technological, and informational potential of various countries to solve geoscientific and geopolitical challenges.
