+7 (812) 328 9282 - Office,  +7 (812) 328 9248 - Museum    info@karpinskyinstitute.ru
Russian Geological Research Institute
Training of high-skilled experts
Training of high-skilled experts

Training of high-skilled experts

The Karpinsky Institute postgraduate school is a part of a unified system of postgraduate education of the Russian Federation that trains highly-qualified scientific manpower who can independently and creatively carry out scientific research in various fields: general and regional geology; paleontology and stratigraphy; petrology, volcanology; mineralogy, crystallography; lithology, hydrogeology, etc.

Training and Consulting Center for Geoinformation Technologies (GIS center) was established and certified by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI, USA) in 2002.
GIS Center arranges authorized courses on ESRI software products, issues personal certificates of standard pattern, and sends experts to ESRI authorized companies for training.
