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Russian Geological Research Institute
Laboratory and analytical service
Laboratory and analytical service

Laboratory and analytical service

Analytical laboratory service of the Karpinsky Institute consists of the Centre of Isotopic Research, Central Analytical Laboratory and Laboratory of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL Laboratory).

The primary purposes of the analytical laboratory service are:
• to compile sets of the State Geological Map of the Russian Federation at 1:1,000,000 and 1:200,000 scales with high-precision, standardized analytical laboratory data on isotope, chemical, and mineral composition of rocks, ores, and minerals;
• to provide scientific research, geological survey, geochemical, prospecting, exploration, and ecological investigations conducted by Karpinsky Institute and other organizations under the state contracts and economic agreements with analytical laboratory data;
• to obtain analytical data on chemical, phase, and isotope composition and age of natural objects on the basis of comprehensive use of innovative analytical methods, technologies, and high-end equipment.

The Centre of Isotopic Research and Central Analytical Laboratory provide their services to branch-wise organizations and enterprises of Russia as well as universities, mining companies and geological surveys from over 20 countries of the world.
