+7 (812) 328 9282 - Office,  +7 (812) 328 9248 - Museum    info@karpinskyinstitute.ru
Russian Geological Research Institute
Information and technological support
Information and technological support

Information and technological support

The main goal of information and technological support is to increase the effectiveness of scientific research and exploration activities by developing and implementing information technology in regional geological studies, general and regional geological mapping, other types of work, as well as during field surveys.

To achieve this goal, general and specialized information systems, electronic directories, dictionaries, databases and data banks are compiled where key information on the geology of the Russian Federation is accumulated and systematized. Cartographic web services are being developed that provide many opportunities for searching, selecting and analyzing digital information in various software applications and tools, including geographic information systems.

We develop and support software that provides automated registration of geological maps using reference base of symbols (EBS), which significantly speeds up the process of preparing layouts of State geological maps, standardizes methods for displaying geological information for various scales and regions, and promotes the publication of final geological mapping products.

As part of information and technological support, we maintain and improve the infrastructure of the local computer network, which is focused on the possibility of organizing distributed access to information, ensuring the remote work mode of the Institute’s employees, as well as the use of the accumulated digital information by employees of third-party geological organizations and enterprises.
