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Russian Geological Research Institute

Evgeny Osipovich Pogrebitsky. 1900-1976

Evgeny Osipovich Pogrebitsky, a famous coal geologist.
He graduated from the Leningrad Mining Institute. He worked in the Donetsk basin, Central Asia, in the Urals, in South Yakutia. He discovered, explored, and studied coal deposits of eastern and northeastern Ferghana: Jalal-Abad, Kok-Yangak, Markayskoye, and Sary-Kamysh (1929-1932). During the Great Patriotic War, he worked as a Chief Engineer of the Ural Geological Administration. VSEGEI Director (1947-1949). In 1949, he was repressed in the "Krasnoyarsk case". Accused of “lack of political vigilance and party spirit”, exiled to Kazakhstan. He worked as a Chief Geologist of the Kazakh Geological Administration in Alma-Ata. He returned to Leningrad in 1953 and was rehabilitated. He served as Dean, and then Head of the Department of Exploration Practice in the Leningrad Mining Institute. Honoured Worker of Science and Technology.
