+7 (812) 328 9282 - Office,  +7 (812) 328 9248 - Museum    info@karpinskyinstitute.ru
Russian Geological Research Institute
TsNIGR Museum
TsNIGR Museum


The museum has a number of special exhibitions of interest for public.

The exhibition Building and Facing Stone in the Architecture of St. Petersburg of the 18th - early 20th Centuries, shows more than 70 varieties of natural building and facing stone used in the construction and decoration of buildings, embankments, palaces and monuments of our city. The exhibition includes graphic and textual materials illustrating the extraction, delivery and use of natural stone in architecture.

The exhibition Stone Etudes, which offers visitors an associative-emotional perception of the kingdom of minerals, presents compositions of natural stones, images of natural or man-made objects associated with them, and Japanese tiercets (hokku or haiku) that emotionally correspond to them.

Samples of minerals and rocks to which people from ancient times assigned magic and healing properties are demonstrated at the exhibition Magic of Gems.

At the exhibition of Agates, varieties of this ornamental stone are demonstrated in accordance with its classification.

The Mineral Paints exhibition introduces the minerals used to prepare various paints from the time of primitive man to the present.

At the Meteorites exhibition, all three classes of meteorites are presented: iron, stone and iron-stone, as well as tektites, formed as a result of melting of earth rocks during a meteorite fall.

TsNIGR Museum is a major cultural and educational center. It is constantly visited by schoolchildren, since the theme of the museum excursions is closely related to school programs in natural history, geology, biology, environment, physics, chemistry, history of the city, etc.

Much attention in organizing the educational activities of the museum is given to working with pupils and students of lyceums, technical schools and universities. Students of technical, humanitarian, natural and artistic specialties can receive various information here depending on their future profession.

The museum is of great interest for single visitors who do not use the services of guides, because the construction of expositions allows one to navigate quite freely in the museum.

The museum takes an active part in events held by the Committee on Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg. In 2004, during the festival Contemporary Art in the Traditional Museum, the project of St. Petersburg artist P. Shvetsov Columbarius was realized in the museum. In 2006, the museum took part in the festival Children's Days in St. Petersburg, in 2010, our museum participated in the Museum Night 2010.
