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Russian Geological Research Institute

The Karpinsky Institute continues its fruitful cooperation with the Republic of Cuba in geology and mineral management

On April 2, a virtual workshop was held between experts of our Institute and the University of Moa, the Republic of Cuba.

The University of Moa is one of the most prestigious higher education institutions in Cuba, specialising in training specialists and scientific studies in geology, mining and metallurgy.

Russian and Cuban geologists discussed a wide range of possible areas of cooperation, including geological mapping, remote sensing methods, mineral prediction, geological tourism, study of geological hazards, and coastal processes.

There was also great interest in the prospects of implementing joint projects for exchanging experience and establishing open scientific and educational centres - Karpinsky Classes in Cuba, aimed at creating additional effective mechanisms for scientific support of joint projects in geology and mineral management.

The parties agreed to continue the dialogue and develop cooperation in the exchange of experience, skills and technologies.


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