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Russian Geological Research Institute

The All-Russian Geological Library opened an exhibition dedicated to the activities of the Karpinsky Institute during the war years “... through the years, through the centuries - remember!”

The exhibition presents unique archival documents from the collections of the Library and the Geological Documentation Department of the Karpinsky Institute: “Certificate on the work of the Institute for the second half of 1941” (16 pages); “Report on the activities of the Military Geology Department of the Institute (July 1941 – December 1944)”; “Resolution of the Military Council of the Leningrad Military District (July 5, 1941 – July 18, 1941)”; “Orders of the Government Commission on Evacuation and decisions of the Leningrad City Executive Committee (April 5, 1941 – October 4, 1941)”; “Orders of the Committee for Geological Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (July 2, 1941 - November 17, 1941)” and others.

Archival documents acquaint visitors with the military history of our institute. On July 13, 1941, the Military Geology Department was established at the Institute. The tasks of the department included:
1. Providing water supply to Leningrad in the event of failure of the central water supply system.
2. Supply of technical and potable water to rear fortified lines, long-term firing points, areas of second echelons of armies, rear units, military field hospitals, repair stations, anti-aircraft artillery regiments, etc.
3. Water supply of the advanced defensive lines and active units of the Red Army; technical management of the Hydrotechnical Company and the Deep Drilling Detachment.
4. Geological-engineering and hydrogeological support of military field construction in the issues of soil stability, lowering or raising the water table, provision of local stone building materials, drainage and flooding, etc.
5. Compiling military geological maps.
6. Performing some military-defense assignments.

During the second half of 1941, a team of geophysicists developed and implemented a method for searching for unexploded bombs.

A team of geochemists has developed a method for producing cheap protective paint from glauconite.

The Institute's Laboratory has developed high-temperature anti-tank incendiary fluids and fuses for them.

The Chemical Laboratory performed complete water analyzes for the Department and military units. The Laboratory also produced various pharmaceuticals for hospitals.

Mechanical workshops switched to fulfilling front-line orders: special-purpose kits for torpedo boats and mortars.

Institute geologists fulfilled requests not only for the Northwestern Region: the Southern Command was sent the Map of the Location of Oil Fields in Romania and the Geological and Economic Note on it and the Map of the Location of Estuaries of the Dniester Lower Reaches. Technical assistance was provided to the Black Sea Fleet in the fight against floating mines.





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