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Russian Geological Research Institute

The Karpinsky Institute has opened a third geological class on the African continent

Today, the third Karpinsky Geological Class opening ceremony on the African continent took place. Now, in addition to Ghana and Ethiopia, the Russian geological school is also present in Mozambique.

The Karpinsky Geological Class in Mozambique was created in cooperation with the National Museum of Geology, located in the capital city of Maputo. The geological educational exhibition of the Karpinsky Institute, specially prepared for the class opening, harmoniously fits into the existing museum exhibition.

Karpinsky Geological Class is fully supplied with methodological and graphic materials, manuals, specialized geological literature, and maps. The classroom was also equipped to conduct regular online classes for both professional geologists and popular scientific lectures for a wide audience in accordance with the methodology developed by the Karpinsky Institute experts.

During the opening ceremony, representatives of the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy of the Republic of Mozambique, the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Mozambique, and the management of the Museum spoke with welcoming words and wishes for successful awareness building.

Director General of the Karpinsky Institute, Pavel Khimchenko also made a presentation at the opening ceremony. He emphasized that our humanitarian awareness-building mission “Russian Geologist Abroad” both develops projects in the field of geology and mineral management, and draws together a large professional geological family in friendly countries among geologists, employees of governmental agencies and federal authorities, as well as among the active youth of the country.

Mr Khimchenko noted that “The contribution of Soviet geologists to the mineral management awareness of Mozambique is significant. We are glad to return to this cooperation, transfer our knowledge, strengthening friendly and professional relations. In our Karpinsky Classes we share with students and experts the results of the latest research by the Karpinsky Institute geologists, we show modern methodological and IT developments.”

At the end of the official part of the event, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between the National Museum of Geology of the Republic of Mozambique and the Karpinsky Institute. Further on, geological lectures were given.

The event caused a wide response in the media and local bloggers, reaching an audience of more than 400,000 people.

Today we say goodbye to the African continent, but a huge amount of theoretical and practical work awaits us on the Karpinsky Geological Classes development not only in Africa, but throughout the world. And this is not only regular online lectures and consultations, but also joint projects in the field of geology and mineral management.

The project to open Karpinsky Geological Classes abroad is being implemented under the auspices of the United Russia party. The operator of the project is the leading institution of Rosnedra, FGBU “Karpinsky Institute”.






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