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Russian Geological Research Institute

The Karpinsky Institute is working to compile the metallogenic map of the Republic of Cuba

As part of a business trip to the Republic of Cuba, a series of working meetings between employees of the Karpinsky Institute and representatives of the Institute of Geology and Paleontology of the Geological Survey of the Republic of Cuba (IGP-SGC) took place. The participants discussed compiling the metallogenic map of Cuba at 1:500,000 scale for solid minerals in a set that includes accompanying and sketch maps at different scales and subjects.

On behalf of the Karpinsky Institute, the working meetings were attended by Director General Pavel Khimchenko, Deputy Director General Viktor Snezhko; from the Cuban side – Director General of the Institute of Geology and Paleontology of the Republic of Cuba, Mrs. Blasa Cardidad Delgado Diéz.
Let us recall that this March, within the framework of the 21st meeting of the Intergovernmental Russian-Cuban Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific, and Technical Cooperation, the Karpinsky Institute and the Geological Survey of Cuba signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, which provides for a number of joint projects, including compilation of the metallogenic map of the Republic of Cuba.

Compilation of the metallogenic map of Cuba at 1:500,000 scale is aimed primarily at summarizing previously compiled medium-scale geological and metallogenic maps, as well as the potential identification of new regional patterns in the distribution of ore deposits in Cuba. In the future, the preparation of a metallogenic map of Cuba at 1:250,000 scale is also being discussed.
In addition to compiling the metallogenic map of the Republic of Cuba, employees of the Karpinsky Institute are implementing the first stage of the “Digital Twin of the Mineral Resources of Cuba” – an open resource that will be available to all scientists. Here, our experts will clearly benefit from the experience and achievements of Soviet geologists who conducted research in Cuba.

The contribution of Soviet geologists to the geology development in Cuba is difficult to overestimate. Beginning in the 1960s, for several decades, our geologists, together with Cuban colleagues, carried out the exploration and assessment of mineral reserves in Cuba, gravimetric and seismic surveys, and studied soils for designing plant foundations. From the Karpinsky Institute, such well-known experts as Yuri Bogdanov, Konstantin Khudoley, Vladimir Zelepugin and many others participated in the work in Cuba.
The collapse of the socialist camp had a painful impact on our cooperation with our Cuban colleagues. Unfortunately, over several decades the connection between common approaches in geology was broken. Only now has practical work begun aimed at restoring geological connections. Along with the dialogue beginning, there came an understanding of the need to re-introduce Russian standards and approaches to the geological study of mineral resources.
After all, in order to have high-quality geological maps, highly qualified geological personnel are needed. And for this, we are opening Karpinsky Geological Classes in Cuba, and also implementing the “Russian Geologist Abroad” program. But more on that in our next post.

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