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Russian Geological Research Institute

Karpinskiy Institute plans regional uranium surveys in Uzbekistan

The first meeting of the Russia-Uzbekistan Subcommission on Geology, Development and Mining of Mineral Resources of the Intergovernmental Russia-Uzbekistan Commission on Economic Cooperation was held in Tashkent.

The meeting was chaired by Evgeny Petrov, Head of the Federal Agency for Mineral Management, and Azam Kadirkhodjaev, Deputy Minister of Mining and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Presentations on the development of cooperation in geology and mineral management were made at the event.

The Karpinsky Institute was represented by Tatiana Zubova, Deputy Director General for Geological Exploration, and Rozalia Ravilova, Assistant to the First Deputy Director General.

The presentation On the compilation of geological and prognostic-metallogenic maps for further stages of geological exploration for critical types of minerals in the Republic of Uzbekistan was made at the meeting.

The presentation reflected prospects for further exploration of the territory of Uzbekistan by prognostic-metallogenic studies at scales of 1:200,000 and 1:50,000 in order to identify promising areas for prospecting new-type uranium deposits.

The cooperation initiative comes from the Karpinskiy Institute and is based on the vast experience of experts from the Department of Uranium Deposits Geology and Radioecology, who in different years have carried out 10 special-purpose studies of various scales for uranium in the Kazakhstan-Middle Asia region. In particular, a map of uranium potential in the Republic had been compiled in 2011.

Implementation of this direction of additional geological studies till 2035 may become the ‘Second wave of uranium geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan’.

Regional studies in this direction are planned jointly with the Institute of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Karpinsky Institute has all the necessary information and analytical, modern methodological, cartographic, technological, and most importantly human resources to carry out such work. The proposal of the Karpinskiy Institute was supported by the Russian-Uzbekistan Subcommission and reflected in the protocol resolution.


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