This week, the 6th Karpinsky Geological Class in the world and the 2nd in Cuba was opened. The class will operate at the University of Moa, the largest higher educational geological institution in the Republic of Cuba, specializing in training experts and conducting scientific research in the field of geology, mining, and metallurgy.
Opening of the Karpinsky geological class is a logical continuation of the active interaction between the two leading geological institutions of Russia and Cuba. This summer, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Karpinsky Institute and the University of Moa. The memorandum formalizes the beginning of joint work in such important areas as geological survey at 1:50,000-1:250,000 scale; metallogenic forecast for allocation and localization of areas for critical mineral types; introduction of the Karpinsky Institute's digital technologies at all stages of geological research, etc.
Opening of the class was attended by the Rector of the University, Dr. Sci. Yurisli Valdez Mariño, who delivered a welcoming speech, noting the importance of this initiative for raising the level of geological knowledge in the country and the value of resuming bilateral cooperation in the field of education. Professor of the University Rafael Guardado Lacaba, in turn, noted that he formed as a geologist in the Soviet Union and expressed sincere joy at the opportunity to work again with Russian geologists and exchange experiences.
After the opening ceremony, a GeoQuiz was held in the Karpinsky Class. This time, some of the quiz questions concerned regional geology, that is, the quiz tested the students' knowledge of the geology of their native country. At the end, the students expressed their willingness to continue to actively participate in the class work.
P.S. Let us remind you that since June of this year, the Karpinsky Geological Class in the Republic of Cuba has also been successfully operating in the Institute of Geology and Paleontology. Now the classes are in Ghana, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Kyrgyzstan. In total, the project envisages opening to 20 classes throughout the friendly world.
The operator of the project is the Karpinsky Institute with the support of the Federal Agency of Mineral Resources - Rosnedra and the GRANIT GROUP Holding.