+7 (812) 328 9282 - Office,  +7 (812) 328 9248 - Museum    info@karpinskyinstitute.ru
Russian Geological Research Institute
Russian Geological Library

Russian Geological Library


Address: 199106, St. Petersburg, 74, Sredny pr.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last Friday of the month is a sanitary day)

Tel./fax: (812) 321-72-12.    E-mail : vgb@vsegei.ru

Service Department: (812) 328-92-28

Director:   Olga Yermilova, tel.: (812) 328-90-90 доб.2070

Head, Bibliography Department:  Irina Rumyantseva, tel.: (812) 328-91-30

Head, Geological Information Department:  Natalya Petushkova, tel.: (812) 328-91-31

Head, RGL sector in the VSEGEI Moscow Branch:  Natalia Sozinova, tel.: (499) 946-90-56

Создано с помощью инструментов Яндекс.Карт
