The Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) has taken on the task to compile the new Tectonic Map of the World at 1:35M scale (TeMaW). The map is being compiled as a modern geoinformation system, which unites various thematic layers reflecting the Earth’s deep structure, its compositional, sedimentary, geodynamic etc. characteristics (maps of magnetic and gravity anomalies, maps of the Earth’s crust thickness and the sedimentary cover, schematic map of modern seismicity, etc.).
The previous Tectonic Map of the World at 1:45M scale was compiled by the CGMW Subcommission for Tectonic Maps under the guidance of Academicians V. Khain and Yu. Leonov as far back as in 1982.
The compilation of the new Tectonic Map is being done at the Russian Geological Research-Institute (VSEGEI) under the guidance of the CGMW Subcommissions for Northern Eurasia, Tectonic Maps and Antarctica, which are traditionally headed by Russian specialists.
The Commission for the Geological Map o the World (CGMW) invited representatives of other CGMW Subcommissions and specialists from different geological surveys of the world, national academies of sciences and universities to join this work.
The compilation of the Tectonic Map of the World is supported by the Deep-Time Digital Earth Programme (DDE).
The New Tectonic Map will be instrumental in attracting a broad public to the development of the Earth’s sciences and popularizing geology and might be used for scientific and educational purposes.