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Laboratory and analytical service
Centre of Isotopic Research
Areas of Work

Centre of Isotopic Research


Due to the great demand for isotopic analytics, the range of geological problems to be solved and the number of customer organizations are constantly increasing. Among them are leading universities and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organizations of the natural resource network.

Over the past 5 years, the Centre has completed a number of major studies both for tender targets of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Rosnedra, as well as for contracts with subsoil users (Alrosa, Norilsk Nickel, TNK-BP, Surgutneftegaz, Polyus Gold, etc.).

Isotope-geochemical certification of type deposits of readily marketable raw materials was carried out. For the first time, isotope-geochemical certificates of large gold, oil, platinum and diamond deposits were compiled.

The comprehensive isotope-geochemical characteristic of the Norilsk ore district was given.

Composition, age and genetic features of rocks of the Russia’s Arctic Shelf were described. As part of ensuring the compilation of a new generation of state geological maps and other state budgetary tasks, Karpinsky Institute reliably dated about 5000 of the most important intrusive, effusive and metamorphic complexes that resulted in serious reinterpretation of geology of entire regions. Such amount of geochronological studies was carried out for the first time during the entire history of Russian geology.

Besides, precision geochronological dating of hundreds of important targets of various foreign customers was made that led to sharp broadening of international cooperation and helped to strengthen credibility of the Karpinsky Institute and Rosnedra as a whole, and the active and equitable participation of the Russian side in international projects.

Thus, the Centre is an internationally recognized, high-tech, cost-effective laboratory - a competitive exporter of intellectual services. Results of participation of the Karpinsky Institute delegations in the largest international and Russian conferences and symposiums showed that the Centre for Isotopic Research of FGBU VSEGEI is the leading isotope laboratory in Russia and one of the best ten isotope-analytical centres in the world.

