+7 (812) 328 9282 - Office,  +7 (812) 328 9248 - Museum    info@karpinskyinstitute.ru
Russian Geological Research Institute
Laboratory and analytical service
Central laboratory

CL. Analytics


To obtain correct analytical results, it is necessary to select properly samples and prepare them for analysis. Samples are selected by the Customer.

If desired, the Customer informs the Laboratory of the chosen sample preparation scheme. If there is no such a scheme at the Laboratory, we offer our own scheme in accordance with OST 41-08-249-85 and follow it agreement with the Customer.

Main sample preparation activities performed at the Laboratory are:

All samples received by the Laboratory are divided into 4 main types:

For the preparation of samples of each of the above types, there is separate room with equipment necessary for the entire technological cycle, i.e. sorting out, crushing, grinding, reduction, etc. Thus, samples of these four types are reliably isolated from one another in the process of preparation for analysis that excludes the possibility of their mutual contamination. To prevent the contamination of the subsequent sample from the previous one for each type of samples, following procedures are envisaged:

The Laboratory has the following equipment for sample preparation:



Maximum size of the loaded material

Minimum final grinding

Mill sets


Roll-jaw crushers ВВ 400

Retsch, Germany

Up to 50 mm

Less than 3 mm

Manganese steel

Crushing of hard, brittle, hard-viscous materials

Roll-jaw crushers ВВ 300

Retsch, Germany

Up to 150 mm

Less than 5 mm

Manganese steel

Crushing of hard, brittle, hard-viscous materials

Roll-jaw crushers ВВ 200

Retsch, Germany

40-50 mm

About 2 mm

Manganese steel

Crushing of hard, brittle, hard-viscous materials

Roll-jaw crushers ВВ 100

Retsch, Germany

30-40 mm

About 1 mm

Manganese steel

Crushing of hard, brittle, hard-viscous materials

Roll-jaw crushers SHCHD-10

OOO Vibrotekhnik, Russia

Up to 150 mm

Less than 5 mm

Manganese steel

Crushing of hard, brittle, hard-viscous materials

Roll-jaw crushers SHCHD-6

OOO Vibrotekhnik, Russia

Up to 60 mm

Less than 3 mm

Manganese steel

Crushing of hard, brittle, hard-viscous materials

Roll-jaw crushers DSHCH-60х100

OOO Mekhanobrtekhnika, Russia

Up to 50 mm

Less than 3 mm

Manganese steel

Crushing of hard, brittle, hard-viscous materials

Roll-jaw crushers DSHCH-80х150

OOO Mekhanobrtekhnika, Russia

Up to 80 mm

Less than 5 mm

Manganese steel

Crushing of hard, brittle, hard-viscous materials

Planetary-type sample grinder РМ 400

Retsch, Germany

Up to 5 mm

10-100 µm

Agate, silicon nitride

Grinding of hard, brittle, fibrous materials

Sample Grinder SM 2000

Retsch, Germany

80-60 мм,
capacity up to 5 l

1-20 mm

Stainless steel, heavy metal free

Crushing of soft fibrous and volume material

Centrifugal mill ZM 100

Retsch, Germany

10 mm

0.1-1 mm

Stainless steel, heavy metal free

Crushing of medium-hard materials

Micromill MS 100

Retsch, Germany

4 mm

Up to 10 µm

Agate, boron carbide

Grinding of small sub-samples

Planetary mill MPL-1

OAO Disintegration Technology and technical devices, Russia

2-5 mm
300-500  µm

Up to 100 µm
Less than 10 µm

Agate, corundum, stainless steel, rough steel

Fine grinding of hard, brittle fibrous materials

Attrition mill LDI

ОАО Grant, Russia

2 mm

70 µm; 0.1 mm
0.25 mm; 0.5 mm

Carbon silicide

Grinding of hard, brittle materials

In addition, there is the AS-200 sieving machine with a set of test sieves (from 25 mm to 20 μm) from Retsch, as well as a universal bath for cleaning the sieves (fast, efficient and gentle cleaning) and racks (the same company) for gentle storage of the sieves both in vertically and horizontally.



