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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. F. Morozov, E. A. Kiselev, O. V. Petrov, V. R. Verbitsky, T. V. Chepkasova, A. F. Karpu-zov, A. M. Lygin, N. V. Mezhelovsky

Current state, main development trends and tasks of the state geological study of the subsur-face in the Russian Federation and its continental shelf in the mid-term

The paper deals with the current state, main development trends and tasks of the state geological mapping. The authors reveal the draft program on the implementation of general geological and special-purpose works until 2030. The paper considers the most topical and important tasks, the solution of which influences the efficiency and overall state of organization and implementation of regional geological-geophysical and geological surveying works in Russia for the mid-term.
Key words: State geological map, geological study, increase of knowledge, geological information support, monitoring, state program.
