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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. A. Kokovkin

Modern structure of the Sikhote-Alin orogen, metallogeny of the Sikhote-Alin ore province

It has been shown that the SAOP endogenic metallogeny is in conformity with an interfered complicated pattern SAO structure. Zones of ore genesis of polychronous, polyelement ore-forming systems in the province were exposed in the subsurface crustal zone during evolution of the Sikhote-Alin orogen, the latter being transformed by its modern shear-thrust fault tectonics and the associated erosion. In the interior part of the orogen which was eroded to the maximum extent, the level of erosion vertical section attaining to 2.5 km, zones of ore genesis of the Mesozoic and Cretaceous-Paleocene ore-magmatic systems (OMS) with titanium-ilmenite, polymetallic and gold-rare metal specialization were exposed. In a less eroded northern part of SAO and in areas of the orogen close to its edges, where erosion vertical section level reaches to 0.5–1.0 km, zones of ore genesis of the Cenozoic and Late Cretaceous OMS of predominantly gold, gold-silver and polymetallic specialization were exposed. A characteristic is given for the Pliocene – Early Quaternary polyelement – Ge, U, Mo, W, Au, platinum-group elements (PGE), rare earth elements (REE) ore-forming systems. They are associated with an effect of low-temperature “diluted” hydrotherms in the sedimentary cover and basement structures of the Cenozoic coal-bearing depressions, located within the Sikhote-Alin orogen contours.
Key words: modern tectonics, metallogeny, ore province, ore region, contemporary ore genesis, ore-magmatic systems, ‘diluted’ hydrotherms, erosion section, reconstruction.
