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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


O. L. Kossovaya, T. Yu. Tolmacheva

Stratigraphy and paleontology in the scientific program of the 34th Session of the Interna-tional Geological Congress (2012, Brisbane, Australia)

The main tendencies in modern stratigraphy and paleontology were discussed in the specialized sessions and meetings of the Stratigraphic Subcommissions, as well as in presentations of related sciences. Present review includes presentations connected with the creation of the International Stratigraphic Scale, proposition of the Global Stratigraphic Sections and Points (GSSP), compiling of the regional zonal successions, integration of methods of biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy and many others. In comparison with previous 33th IGC, 2008, the modern paleontological and stratigraphic studies are different in intensification of investigations targeting the reconstruction of climatic features of the past, influence of paleoclimates to biota and sedimentation. The review is based both on synthesis of sessions and Subcommission meetings presentations where the authors took part and analytic review of the Abstract volume of 34th IGC.
Key words:stratigraphy, paleontology, 34th IGC.
