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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


T. P. Litvinova, A. A. Petrova

Manifestation of the petrogeneration zones of the Bering Sea in ground magnetic anomalies and anomalies of Champ satellite

Bering Sea oil-and-gas bearing province occupies a single sedimentary megabasin of the Bering Sea, the formation of which is caused by stage of the Alpine geodynamic development cycle of the Pacific mobile belt. At present, the geological-geophysical exploration maturity of the Bering Sea with respect to oil-gasbearing forecast is at the level of regional study stage. In 2003, an additional study of oil-gas prospective zones of the Kamchatka Shelf of the Bering Sea was carried out. In the course of works, profile seismic studies and airborne gravity-magnetic survey at 1:200,000 scale were made at three territories: Ilpinsky, Olyutorsky I, and Olyutorsky II. Average survey elevation for the whole area is 300 meters. Geological modeling of sedimentary basin systems was made for this area. Age correlation, thickness estimation and formational characteristics of litho-stratigraphic complexes building up sections are carried out. Geomagnetic deep sections transecting main zones of prospective oil-gas accumulation to airborne magnetic data. Distribution of magnetization in the development interval of potentially productive sandy strata at depths from 1 to 5 km is obtained. The most prospective zones of possible oil-gas accumulation are distinguished in the Olyutorsky and Ilpinsky sedimentary basins.
Key words: aeromagnetic survey, oil-gasbearing, oil-generation, geomagnetic modeling.
