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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. V. Lapo

V. I. Vernadsky and GeolCom – TsNIGRI – VSEGEI

Fruitful collaboration of Academician V. I. Vernadsky (1863–1945) with the team of the Geological Committee – TsNIGRI – VSEGEI is considered in the historical aspect. From 1909 to 1929, Vernadsky was a supernumerary member of the Bureau (later the Scientific Council) of GeolCom and took an active part in its work. He worked closely with the team of GeolCom – TsNIGRI and attracted its staff to meet the challenges of searching for radioactive ores in 1914, to compilation of the first encyclopedic summary on mineral resources of the country in 1914–1920, and the pioneering work on the age determination of geological formations using radioactive methods in 1932–1937.
Key words: Vernadsky, Geological Committee, TsNIGRI, VSEGEI, mineral resources, radiogeology, history of geology.
