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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


L. A. Daragan-Suschova, E. O. Petrov, Yu. I. Daragan-Suschov

On the issue of the Barents-Kara region basement age

A conclusion of basement age of different structures of Barents-Kara region is drawn on the ground of modern seismic CDP profiles. The basement is Hercynian for the most part of South Kara syneclise. Basement of the north part of Kara shelf is pre Upper Riphean. Under South Barents basin abutted against Pechora plate the basement is Baikalian. Under North Barents basin the basement is neogenic, it came into existence as a consequence of vertical accretion, Critical review of chronostratigraphic potentiality of different geophysical methods is also done.
Key words: Barents-Kara region, seismic prospecting, age of basement.
