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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. M. Pashevin, V. I. Vasiliev, A. E. Lavrenteva, S. А. Usolceva, N. K. Ivanov

Results of the geophysical research in the southern part of the Cis-Patom regional deflection in the zone of its pairing with the Baikal-Patom highlands

Cis-Patom regional deflection is the junction region of the rigid platform block and foldbelt. Modern integrated geophysical studies were carried out within the deflection. Collisional nature of the tectonic stress of the Northeast Cis-Baikal region is considered. It is likely that the dynamic loads on the Earth’s crust, having the collisional nature, caused within the Cis-Patom deflection the emergence of inclined fault zones parallel to the mountain framing contour, and the direct contact of the Proterozoic sediments with the platform sedimentary cover deposits is along the inclined graben.
Key words: tectonics, sounding, field emergence, point seismic soundings, the Siberian Platform, Cis-Patom marginal deflection.
