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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


G. A. Shatkov

Relevance of the concept of autonomous activation at the present stage of metallogenic studies

Geodynamic independence of metallogenic areas of autonomous activation (against the background and due to the global geotectonic concepts) is substantiated. Conducted geological-geochemical and isotope geochronological studies can significantly clarify the genetic features and criteria for predicting the Streltsovsky type uranium deposits. The basic principle is that a set of criteria should be based on regional, district, and local levels of research and accompanied by in-depth study of major reference objects with the use of modern high-precision analytical and isotope-geochronological methods. The author assumes that uniqueness of deposits (size and ore quality) can and should be predicted and evaluated at different, particularly early stages of exploration and evaluation.
Key words: geodynamics, autonomous activation, metallogeny, rifting, uranium, local prediction, Streltsovsky type.
