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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


L. V. Voronyaeva, V. A. Krupenik, K. Yu. Sveshnikova, P. S. Davydov

Lamproite-like eruptive breccia of the Solozersky prospect (Kola Peninsula)

New data on the eruptive breccias obtained as a by-product in the course of boulder prospecting for copper-nickel ores at the Solozersky prospect in the Northeastern Baltic Shield are given. Mineralogical-petrographic, geochemical investigations giving evidence that the discovered breccia belongs to the mafic lamproites – orendites family, which brings forth the prospecting problem of bedrock bodies of lamproite-like rocks in the context of possible diamond content of the area, are performed.
Key words: breccia, cement, lamproite, boulder prospecting, phlogopite, diamond, prospects.
