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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. V. Kudymov

Some postaccretionary kinematics of the Naildinsky fault of Lower Amur Region in the Tan-Lu fault system

Employing the method of belts in slickenside distribution (according to V. N. Danilovich) as well as analyzing the reconstructed stress fields it is shown that the Naildinsky fault of Lower Amur Region in the Tan-Lu fault system distinctly displays strike-slip components of displacement. Early in the development the displacement was sinistral and then it changed to dextral. Later on the fault gradually developed features of a reverse and a normal faults. No large-scale displacements took place in the zone of the Limurchansky fault as a result of the mentioned strike-slip which crosscuts it. The most reasonable explanation of this paradox is as follows. The strike-slip, probably, resulted not so much in the movement of the two sides of the fault but rather in opening up of pull-apart basins. An example of such a structure in the region is the Verkhneamgunsky basin whose north-western side is controlled by the Khingansky fault which is probably the south-western extension of the studied fault.
Key words: Lower Amur Region, slickenside lineation, stress field, strike-slip fault, degree of movement.
