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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


V. A. Stepanov

Platinum-copper-nickel provinces of the North-Asian craton

The short description of a geology-structural position, composition of ores, age and genesis of deposits of platinum-copper-nickel provinces (Tajmyro-Norilsk, East Sayansk, North Baikal and Stanovaja), located along outskirts of the North Asian craton are resulted. The basic sulphide platinum-copper-nickel deposits genetically connected both with intrusions, and with vulcanite (komatiite) basite-ultrabasite composition are described. It is observed stages genesis of the platinum-copper-nickel metallization from an Early Proterozoic (Kun-Manie deposit of the Stanovaja province) to Triassic (Norilsk, Talnakh deposits of the Tajmyro-Norilsk province) and an early cretaceous (mineral occurrences of the Dambukinsky area of the Stanovaja province). Participation in formation of ores superplume, arising on border a core–mantle is supposed.
Key words: platinoidno-copper-nickel deposit, province, craton, genesis, ultrabasits, komatiits.
