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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. Z. Bursky, T. V. Yakovleva, T. V. Markova, O. A. Denisevich

Data Base “Sea Bottom Sampling” Arctic Shelf Russia and the Arctic Ocean (application ex-ample)

Presented in this paper Data Bank «Sea bottom sampling» is a centralized repository of primary analytical information on marine sediments. Bank combines and organizes materials for on materials built lithological map of modern sediments seamounts Mendeleev and conjugate structures (shelf on Wrangel Island, the continental slope) and studied the distribution of pebbles and gravel on the bottom area. It is shown that the sediments containing as impurities gravel and gravel-sand components have areal extent and location of their clearly confined to the tops and slopes of seamounts Mendeleev. These deposits are eluvial-diluvial products of erosion of bedrock bottom, have a local origin. Ice racing as an active factor sedimentogenesis plays a role only on the shelf of Wrangel Island.
Key words: Data Base, sea bottom sampling, lithological composition of modern bottom sediments, export to GIS, shelf Wrangel Island, Seamounts Mendeleev.
