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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. V. Krylov, R. Marquet

The marine Pliocene – Eopleistocene bivalves of Atlantic origin of the western part Russian Arctic and their biostratigraphic significance. The molluscs of genus Isocrassina

In this article were described three fossil marine bivalves: Isocrassina basteroti (De la Joinkaire), I. scaldensis (Janssen et van der Slik), I. ariеjansseni (Marquet) from the Zanclean-Calabrian Stages of western part of Russian Arctic. These molluscs have important significance for corellation Lower Pliocene –Lower Eopleistocene deposits of the western part of Russian Arctic and the Western Europe. In these deposits of the western part Russian Arctic can possibly two subdivided layers with Isocrassina basteroti, I. scaldensis, I. ariеjansseni, Astarte incerta for the Zanclean-Piacenian Stages, layers with Isocrassina basteroti, I. ariеjansseni, Astarte incerta for the Gelasian Stage and layers with Isocrassina basteroti and Astarte incerta for the Calabrian Stage.
Key words: marine bivales, corellation, Isocrassina, Astarte, Pliocene, Eopleistocene, Russian Arctic, Western Europe.
