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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


N. Yu. Nikulova, V. N. Filippov, I. V. Shvetsova

Possible sources ore minerals in the Lower Paleozoic psephites in Malaya Kara river (The Polar Urals)

The conglobreccias unit marks continental gravelites (Є3–О1al) and marine sandstones (Є3– О1bd) boundary at the Paleozoic succession base in Malaya Kara river. Three generations of ore minerals in the conglomerate breccias were determined. The composition of the ore minerals reflects stages of formation of the auriferous sediments. Cupreous gold was found in Lower Paleozoic strata. The main source for terrigenous ore minerals and newly formed sulphides is sulphide serpentinized basic intrusions. They are located in Riphean basic volcanites.
Key words: The Polar Urals, psephites, gold, mineral, composition.
