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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. V. Amantov

Geology of Pre-Quaternary formations and tectonics of the Lake Ladoga

Lake Ladoga’s basin was formed within the fragment of the margin of the Baltic Shield, complicated by the large Riphean Ladoga-Pasha graben-syncline. Structural complexes of the Archean or Early Proterozoic basement and the Late Vendian – Paleozoic platform cover are typically developed in the transition zone from the shield to the platform. Specific features of the basin are associated with the distribution of the Early Riphean and younger, presumably Late Riphean-Early Vendian complexes, which form the graben-syncline. The platform cover has monocline deep that reflects the subsiding of the epi-Late Vendian peneplain. There have been rare evidences of low-amplitude faults, plicative dislocations and local structures, often inheriting the most pronounced Riphean structural elements of Vuoksinskaya fault-controlled syncline and Pasha graben. When modeling postglacial uplift it is important to consider the hydro- and sediment-isostasy and variable compaction of Holocene sediments, especially peats.
Key words: Baltic Shield, Russian Platform, Riphean, Lake Ladoga, tectonics, neotectonics.
