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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. V. Amantov, M. G. Amantova

Implication of glacial theory to the development of the Lake Ladoga basin

The general concept of the formation of pre-Quaternary surface and, in many ways, the modern landscape of Lake Ladoga is discussed as a result of geological-geomorphological analysis including specialized computer modeling systems, with implications of aspects of the glacial theory. Complex glacial and fluvio-glacial denudation served a determining factor in the development of structural-denudational forms of various order. We propose existence and specification of the independent family of non-mountain cirques created by ice sheets. It includes giant Severoladozhsky (North Lake Ladoga) cirque representing the largest corrie in the world, as well as Landsort – the deepest basin of the Baltic Sea. In this case a glacial cirque is determined as an amphitheatre-shaped overdeepened basin, with close values of length and width, steep headwall, side slopes and pronounced lip; the basin is usually located within the ice stream, which produces a typical specific contrast terrain profile in geologically and geomorphologically predetermined locations.
Key words: ice sheet, glacial erosion, cirque, corrie, Lake Ladoga, terrain, geomorphology.
