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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. A. Kokovkin

Eocene-Holocene evolution of the Sinegorsk ore-magmatic system (South Primorye)

The influence of modern (Eocene-to-Holocene) processes on the structure and metallogeny of the Caledonian-Hercynian Sinegorsk ore-magmatic system (SOMS) has been studied. The SOMS position in the structure of East Asia is shown. The main regularities are established in the development of SOMS. The relationship of Caledonian-Hercynian structure and metallogeny to the formation of the Prikhanka dome and ring granite batholith is illustrated. The features of modern development of SOMS are investigated. It is evaluated the transforming influence exerted on SOMS by the modern marginal-continental structures including the Sikhote-Alin orogen and the Amur-Khanka riftogen. It is shown that SOMS was affected by Pliocene-Quaternary mantle activation with trap magmatism and low temperature metasomatism. The character of modern uranium-polyelement ore genesis with the ore-forming systems of endogenous, exogenous and polygenous classes is demonstrated. Based on modern uranium mineralization of the Rakovsky deposit and the Hercynian volcanic-tectonic structure (VTS) of the same name, the model of remobilization of Hercynian uranium mineralization by modern metasomatism is developed. The possibility of detecting the “blind” uranium mineralization in Hercynian VTS basement is validated.
Key words: modeling, evolution, ore-magmatic system, ore genesis, metallogeny, modern tectonics, trap magmatism, ore-forming systems, dislocations, erosion.
