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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


G. V. Afanasiev, Yu. B. Mironov, E. M. Pinsky

New aspects of formation of sandstone-type uranium deposits

Patterns of localization and formation of sandstone-type deposits are specified on the basis of revision and analysis of extensive information, including the latest one, on world uranium provinces using paleoreconstructions. In addition to well-known classic patterns, new conceptions are proposed concerning: a) ring localization of redox fronts with stratal-rolled ore deposits in artesian basins; b) the relationship of paleovalley deposits to regional paleorift zones; c) the role of faults in emplacement of ore deposits including those in oil-and-gas field frames; d) the transformation of uranium concentrations in superintrusive metasomatic halos (metasandstone type). Large uranium deposits are expected in the southern periphery of the West Siberian oil-and-gas province.
Key words: domes, rifts, basins, redox fronts, rolls, paleovalleys, forecasts.
