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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A. G. Pakhalko

Petrochemical and geochemical criteria PGE-bearing of rocks Vuruchuaivench massif (Monchegorsk pluton, Murmansk region)

Vuruchuaivench massif is part of the Monchegorsk pluton and located in the center of the Kola Peninsula [17]. Known for its platinum mineralization with an average of 2–2.5 ppm PGE, also found samples containing 19 ppm [7]. Main rocks of massif – gabbronorites and anortosites [6, 15, 17]. First established presence propylite rock in the territory of massif. Identified two groups propylite differing by mineral composition. With quartz-chlorite-albite association PGE mineralization associated, with another association – albite, mineralization is not related. There is a difference in the total REE content in gabbronorites and propylites. Propylites with ore differ from other rocks noticeable standard deviation in REE content. Closeness of graphs REE concentrations in all rocks array may indicate their genetic relationship. Among platinum group minerals in ore of Vuruchuaivench massif prevail arsenides and sulphoarsenides.
Key words: PGE-bearing, exploration criteria, propylites, platinum-group minerals.
