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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


G. A. Shatkov, A. V. Antonov, P. M. Butakov, S. V. Kashin, S. A. Sergeev

Uranium minerals in fluorites of the Streltsovsky and Argun deposits. Eastern Transbaikalia

Microprobe studies of fluorite from the Streltsovsky and Argun uranium deposits have been carried out. Uranium minerals identified in fluorites (pitchblende, uraninite, coffinite, Si-U metagel, uranyl molybdates) coincide with the mineral composition of uranium ore from these deposits. It is advisable to take into account at various stages of prospecting and exploration.
Key words: fluorite, uranium minerals, pitchblende, uraninite, coffinite, molybdates uranyl, microprobe analysis, uranium deposits, genesis, Eastern Transbaikalia.
