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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


S. B. Shishlov

Folding and faulting in the Upper Devonian of the south vicinity of the Ilmen Lake (north-west of the Russian Plate)

The two groups of tectonic deformations have been detected in the South vicinity of the Ilmen Lake. The first one is represented by gentle linear folds 100–300 m wide, which have been observed over the area of more than 30 km2 in the Frasnian. The folds are partly eroded, their axises have North-East strikes, the hinges undulate, and limbs are faulted with thrusts. The second group is represented by systems of small deformed and shifted blocks. This type of deformations occurs only near the surface (depth less than 10 m), mainly in the limestones, and forms pre-Quarternary relief
Key words: Frasnian, Russian Plate, monocline, folds, thrusts, Hercinian orogeny, glaciotectonics.
