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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


O. V. Petrov, Yu. G. Leonov, A. F. Morozov

International atlases of geological maps of Eurasia and the Circumpolar Arctic – an innovative basis for the development of geological science, evaluation of raw mineral potential and securing geopolitical interests of the Russian Federation

The results of international cooperation of the Russian Federation with representatives of Geological Surveys, National Academies of Sciences, and Universities from more than 30 countries of the World focused upon geological study of continent-­scale blocks of the Earth’s crust and carried out under the auspices of the Commission of UNESCO for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) are discussed in the article. It is indicated that joint compilation of international atlases of geological maps of Eurasia and Arctic is the innovative direction of development of world geological science promoting formation of new knowledge on geological setting and mineral potential of land, continental shelf, and continental margins of these areas and supporting geopolitical interests of the Russian Federation in these regions.
Key words: international cooperation, atlases of geological maps, Eurasia, Arctic, new technologies and innovations.
