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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A.V. AMANTOV, M.G. AMANTOVA, D.V. RYABCHUK, A.YU. SERGEEV (VSEGEI), T.M. GUSENTSOVA (ANO “Scientific Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage”), V.A. ZHAMOIDA (VSEGEI), W. FJELDSKAAR (Tectonor, Norway)

On the question of Holocene development of south Lake Ladoga region

Post­glacial Holocene development in Southern Priladozhye (south Lake Ladoga region) is studied by combining the modeling of post­glacial uplift with geological­geomorphological­geophysical observations. The focus is on the archeological sight Podolye­1 in the southern Lake Ladoga coastal zone. Such combination is shown to give reasonable scenario, in spite of modeling uncertainties, which is caused by significant variations of ice thickness during deglaciation and – to a less degree – variable Lake Ladoga level. In some Holocene periods hydro­isostasy could significantly influence the post­glacial uplift in the Gulf of Finland – Lake Ladoga region. Relative sea level changes in south Lake Ladoga are also discussed. The major Lake Ladoga sea level fall could be of relatively short term and synchronous with culmination of Baltic Ancyllus Lake regression. It could also be synchronous with the most pronounced sea level fall in Great Lakes of North America, being caused by climatic changes. The role of Ladoga equivalent of Baltic Sea Littorina transgression could have been underestimated previously; it was followed by a relatively stable level until strong Lake Ladoga transgression culminated around 3400–3500 cal BP.
Keywords: Lake Ladoga, isostasy, hydro­isostasy, Holocene, geology, tectonics, archeology.
