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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


I.V. MOLODTSOV (VSEGEI Norilsk Branch), V.G. MAVRICHEV, V.N. BARANOV (FGUNPP “Geologorazvedka”)

Possibility to distinguish decompressed zones in the crystalline basement rocks of the South Tatar Arch promising for hydrocarbon discovery

Modern methods of magnetic and gravity field interpretation enable to obtain information on the magnetic and density properties of rocks both in the sedimentary cover and basement. When analyzing properties of the crystalline basement rocks exemplified by the South Tatar Arch, it has been suggested possible to distinguish petroleum accumulations not only within the inherited arched and anticlinal structures of the sedimentary cover, but also within the boundaries of local basement ledges based on airborne magnetic survey at 1:25,000–1:50,000 scale and gravity survey at 1:200,000 scale.
Keywords: South Tatar Arch, hydrocarbon conduits, fluids, decompressed zones.
