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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


A.E. PERESTORONIN (LLC «Amurmed»), V.A. STEPANOV (Research Geotechnological Center FEB RAS)

Volcanic gold­silver deposits of the Amur Region

The description of volcanic gold-­silver deposits of the Amur Region (Pokrovskoye, Zheltunak, Burinda, Prognoznoye). It has been established that they are confined to the Early Cretaceous volcanic depressions within which widespread extrusive and subvolcanic igneous rocks. Ore bodies are represented by vein­vein zones and veins adularia-­carbonate­-quartz composition. Base gold and electrum are mainly in the free form. The basic criteria for assessing the prospects of gold­-silver deposits in the Amur Region. The inclusion of these criteria will enable a more rational to allocate space for staging prospecting and re­-evaluate the gold­-silver deposits and occurrences.
Keywords: gold­silver deposits, volcanics, finesse of gold, electrum, metasomatic.
