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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


O.G. SHULYATIN (VNIIOkeangeologia), V.S. SEMENOV (IGGD RAS), A.B. FORD (Geological Survey USA), E.V. KOPTEV-­DVORNIKOV (Moscow State University), V.M. MIHAYLOV (VNIIOkeangeologia), S.V. SEMENOV (IGGD RAS)

Dufek stratified intrusion (Antarctica)

The authors consider the current ideas of the structure, geochemical features and conditions of the formation of the Dufek stratified intrusion (Antarctica, Pensacola mountains), as well as the results of a comparative analysis of this stratified massif with the stratified Bushveld Complex (South Africa). The spatial, geochemical and age closeness of the Dufek intrusion with the widespread in the Antraсtic tholeiitic magmatic rocks of the Ferrar group (dykes, sills, volcanites) determines the sharpness of the question of the integrity or diversity of their parent magmas, their formation being associated with the megaplume. In the Jurassic Period, a typical triad was formed in Antarctic; it was presented by volcanites, swarms of dolerite dykes, sills and stratified intrusions. Magmatic events at the turn of 180 M preceded the split of the supercontinent Gondwana, which makes the study of these processes important for understanding the history of the supercontinent.
Keywords: Antarctica, stratified intrusion Dufek, rocks, minerals, age, geocheminical features.
