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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents



The features of formation sulphide­nickel and platinum­bearing (Ni­МПГ) ores at Archaean provinces

The most important and actual problems geology-­mineralogical research in XXI century are investigation of formation Ni­-МПГ sulphide ores in mantle rocks and hosted materials, also its tectonic position. Sulphides ores usually belong to mafic­ultramafic rock associations formed in conditions of continental rifts. Such conditions promote rapid delivery of mantle magmas at Earth’s crust. In result rift magmas have tendention to be low sensibility to differentiation and sulphide loss during passer mantle magmas through lithosphere and low levels of the crust. So the magmas can be enrichment by Ni and МПГ during intrusion at upper crust. The rifts can also content sulphur-­rich sediments that can serve external sources for saturate of sulphur the mantle magmas and further of formation Ni­-МПГ sulphide ores.
Keywords: Archaean provinces, sulphide nickel­platinum ores, factors oreforming.
