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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


Yu. S. BISCE (Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg University)

Experience representing lithostratigraphic data in reports on the Geology of the Mountain Tien Shan

General geologic maps of middle scale (1 : 500,000) published in Central Asia countries up to 2012 together with connected stratigraphic descriptions show some problems not completely solved. 1. A lot of synonymes in the local stratigraphic nomenclature being extra loading of the map legend. 2. On the contrary, low utility of correlative unites (beds, horizons) when used for variable formations of collisional orogeny. 3. Weak effect of Stratigrapfical Codex constraints upon cartographic practice. 4. Description and representation of metamorphic formations not framed. 5. Abundant isotopic dating material concerning metamorphic formations not yet reflected in maps up­-to-­date published. The way to make map legends more simple without substantive loss of information may be proposed through representation of main lithologic complexes.
Keywords: regional stratigraphy, legends of geological maps, Southern Tien Shan, Silurian, metamorphic complexes, isotope dating.
