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Regional Geology and Metallogeny
Journal Contents


W. FJELDSKAAR (Tectonor AS, Stavanger, Norway), Å. ANDERSEN, H. JOHANSEN (IRIS, Verico, Stavanger, Norway), R. LANDER (IRIS, Stavanger, Norway; Geocosm LLC, Durango, Colorado, USA), V. BLOMVIK (IRIS, Verico, Stavanger, Norway), O. SKURVE (IRIS, Stavanger, Norway), J. K. MICHELSEN (IRIS, Stavanger, Norway; Gigawiz Ltd Co, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA), I. GRUNNALEITE (Tectonor AS, Stavanger, Norway), J. MYKKELTVEIT (IRIS, Stavanger, Norway)

Bridging the gap between basin modelling and structural geology

Basin models reconstruct the temporal, spatial, and physical property evolution of sedimentary basins and are important means for predicting the occurrence and properties of hydrocarbon accumulations. While many hydrocarbon accumulations are associated with complex geological structures, most basin modelling systems greatly oversimplify the geometric evolution of such structures. This paper describes three methods for improving basin modelling performance in structurally complex regions:
(1) geometric reconstruction of interconnected normal and reverse fault arrays,
(2) geometric reconstruction of salt structures, and
(3) simulation of heat flow associated with magmatic intrusions.
Each of these methods significantly improves the accuracy of input constraints for thermal simulations (as well as potentially for fluid flow simulations).
The geometric reconstruction methods improve basin modelling results mainly by allowing for more realistic representations of the spatial geometries of geologic strata and their associated rock properties. The subsidence / uplift models provide more accurate heat flow reconstructions and also are useful for estimating likely paleowater depths. The sandstone diagenesis modelling provides substantially improved accuracy for prediction of rock properties such as porosity, permeability, and thermal conductivity together with more realistic simulation of interval compaction and associated subsidence.
Keywords: basin modelling, faulting, salt, compaction, sandstone diagenesis.
