The universal technology of mineralogical investigations
of bedrocks, ores and processed products
The described technology combines two complementary methods – electric pulse disintegration (EPD) and our patented hydroseparation (HS). Such combined EPD&HS technology is used as unique solution for mineralogical research of bedrocks, ores and processed products. The detailed mineralogical and geochemical investigations of the primary sample and heavy mineral HS-concentrates of different size fractions are parts of a single 3D-technology of mineralogical research. Some examples of combined EPD&HS technology application in geology, mineralogy, applied mineralogy and mineral processing for several rocks and ores are briefly described: Pt-Au-Pd ores of the Platinova Reef deposit of Skaergaard massif, Greenland, Denmark; Ag-Au-Pd-Pt ores of the Bushveld Complex (chromitites of UG2, LG6, M1/2, Merensky Reef), South Africa; AgAuPtPd mineralization of carbonatites from Kovdor Massif, Kola Peninsula; Ag-Au-Pt-Pd mineralization of carbonatites from Loolekop deposit, Phalaborwa Massif, South Africa; 8 new platinum group minerals; Au-ores of the Berezovsky deposit, the Urals; Au-Ag-ores from the Veladero deposit, Argentina; diamondiferous lamproite diatreme, Karelia; microobjects for U-Pb and Re-Os isotopic investigations.
Keywords: mineralogical research technology, precious metals, electric pulse disintegration, hydroseparation, kimberlites, lamproites, geochronology, new platinum group minerals.